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Current Colors: The Viral Age

The Viral Guy

The Viral Guy

Viral Attack

Viral Attack

Viral Tree and Viral Moon

Viral Tree and Viral Moon

Leaking Brain in Viral Age

Leaking Brain in Viral Age

Viral Embryo

Viral Embryo

Viral Invasion

Viral Invasion

The Viral Alien

The Viral Alien

The Viral Abyss

The Viral Abyss

Viral Cosmos Navigation

Viral Cosmos Navigation

the Viral Mirror

the Viral Mirror

The Viral Woman

The Viral Woman

The Viral Phantom

The Viral Phantom

Photo titles available in desktop version

Current Colors: The Viral Age

​浮彩潮流 之 病毒時代

In the viral age, good and bad messages spread like virus! See the injured tree by the fallen moon? It was peace when the spawning began. Look at our land and sky under invasion, the soulless ones in the Rabbit Hole, the leaking brain, an imprisoned embryo, and a curious guy venturing into the inferno. Horror in a mirror?


In this series, acrylic beads symbolizing viruses are dropped onto oil. When one explodes, a colorful disc will develop on the surface. Within a second or two, they will sink and blend with other colors. Want a photo of the viral age? Have a sharp eye, and react quickly!


- Invited by Olympus HK and China Limited to stage live demonstrations for the

photography and video workshop on "Floating Colors" held in Innocentre,

Kowloon Tong  (Oct, 2019)




- Invited as guest for interview by Cultural Plaza, TVB, about the "Current Colors"

photo series and the "EndDance” creative video  (Dec, 2019)
   獲邀接受無線電視文化廣場有關「浮彩潮流」攝影系列 及 「終局舞曲」創意影片 的訪問





- “Current Colors” and “EndDance” photo exhibition in Innocentre, Kowloon Tong

(Oct, 2019)
   「浮彩潮流」攝影作品於九龍塘創新中心展出 (2018年10月)











Olympus OM-D E-M1 Camera;   M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm F2.8 Macro Lens

15" x 20" Lambda Output on Lambda metallic paper mounted on 3mm aluminium plate

Limited Edition: 10

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